Places available for the NASA challenges hackathon in Seville

Space Apps Spain 2024 in Seville


Places available for the NASA challenges hackathon in Seville



Next October 4 to 6 , the largest STEAM hackathon in the world will be held, organized by Nasa International Space Apps . Registration is free and in Seville it will be at the headquarters of the Spanish Space Agency - CREA Building, there are still places available on the official website where more details are given about what you will experience over the weekend:


This meeting will bring together more than 57,900 people around the world to solve the 20 real challenges raised by the NASA scientific and engineering team. In Spain the hackathon will bring together to more than 600 people of different profiles: creative minds with skills in programming, science, app development and technological solutions, as well as content creation or design, it is not closed to technological talent. 


The different challenges are aimed at people with different skills and abilities, of all ages and levels of education, who will receive a certificate for their participation. These will be very varied and will range from: software development, through data science or content creation, to the invention of stories. 

Participating teams will create mobile applications, software, hardware, data visualizations and platform solutions, facing challenges designed directly by NASA to contribute to space exploration missions and help improve life on Earth. 


The challenge has the support of NASA and 9 other space agencies from around the world, and institutions such as the US Embassy and the Spanish Engineering Institute (IIE), as well as companies that seek to make technological talent visible..

More information: