Seville Forum on Machinery for Decarbonization
The Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville organizes the Seville Forum on Machinery for Decarbonization , in collaboration with international technology providers.
The Seville Forum on Machinery for Decarbonization is an event aimed at industry, technology centers and administrations with the main objective of developing technologies for the production and storage of electrical and thermal energy efficiently and without a carbon footprint.
The conference provides a forum for exchanging information and experiences with technology developers and providers, users, and the administration, where they can discuss the state of the art of decarbonization solutions in the market and the needs of the sectors involved in the short and long term. , identify technological and research needs, and coordinate the development of new pre-competitive R&D activities and demonstrators of low carbon footprint solutions for the industry and the electricity sector.
Open forums will also be enabled to collect contributions from attendees, which will later be used to plan future actions.
Event: Seville Forum on Machinery for Decarbonization
Cost: free event with attendance by invitation
Place: Higher Technical School of Engineering, University of Seville, Cartuja Science and Technology Park.
Date: January 20, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Registration: to receive the link to the registration page, write an email to the organization ( ) or the coordinator (Prof. David Sánchez , )