Rolls-Royce Career Day

18th October : Rolls-Royce Career Day

You can work with us whist studying at ETSI! 


Morning Session: AULA 111. 10:30 - 13:30

Afternoon Session: AULA 007. 15:00 - 18:00

Don't miss this unique opportunity to meet current and past ETSI students and talk about their jobs in Experimental Engineering, Turbines Manufacturing, Design Engineering and as Chief Engineer.

They'll talk about their career paths and the opportunities at Rolls-Royce, as well as how to perfect your CV to apply successfully.

This event is open to all ETSI degrees

  • For 1st, 2nd , 3rd Degree & 1st Master

Students : Internships    (£19,000/year – Summer & up to 1 year).

  • For 4th Grade & 2nd Master students: 

Graduate Programs    (£29,000/year – Permanent employee).

Direct Entries (Salary dependent on role – Permanent employee).

10:30 am or 3pm Careers & Q/A and 12:30 am or 5pm Applying & CV Workshop

If you want to share your CV in an open forum and have it corrected, bring it along! Follow these guidelines:


CV Tips:

In English and Use reverse chronological order

Profile Name & contact details | Short & impactful description (optional)

Do NOT include photo, nationality, DNI, date of birth, gender, drivers license, marital status... these are not needed to value your qualities as a candidate


Education Predicted grade in % | Projects... | Demonstrate interest in Engineering, Project Management, Team Leading, or your passion!

Highlight any awards, scholarships, being in the top X% of your class...


Experience Highlight key responsibilities, projects, achievements, impact you had, key skills developed...

Volunteering & non-engineering work are also good and appreciated! | Detail any Internships, student associations or research done

Show transferable skills teamwork, management, problem-resolution, communication skills, professionalism, timely delivery...


Skills Technical Skills, Languages, People & Soft skills... anyone can write this, you need to demonstrate it with short examples! Hobbies, personal projects, social life, interests... Give a full view of you as a person

Design it so it's comfortable to read : fonts, spacing, alignment, bullet points... do not use Europass format. Google CV design ideas or find a template that suits you!

• Take your time and prepare it well. Spell & Grammar check

2 page sides max . Be clear & concise. Use "action words" (developed, executed, organized, led...) & "buzz words" (analysis, CAD, manufacture, passionate, inspiring...)

• Highlight achievements, awards, scholarships, top marks, events, projects, volunteering... even from ESO & Baccalaureate!


Show you embody the Rolls-Royce Values ​​& Behaviors, and are a well-rounded candidate: Sell yourself! Everyone passes exams, what makes you awesome, different, & stand out? Do you do things out of the ordinary, show soft skills, have international experience/languages, teach, travel/adventures, make bold projects, organize socials, inspire others, are an athlete or a coach...


Find the Rolls-Royce Values ​​and Behaviors here

Learn more info at