Seminar "Online Feedback Optimization - Using Optimization Algorithms as Feedback Controllers"

Seminar: Online Feedback Optimization - Using Optimization Algorithms as Feedback Controllers

  Taught by: Mr. Lukas Ortmann, ETH Zurich
Date: October 19 and 20, 2022
Time: 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Location: ETSi Degree Hall

Online Feedback Optimization is a novel control method that turns optimization algorithms into feedback controller.

These feedback controller can drive systems to a locally optimal solution of an optimization problem. Through using feedback we need less model information than the usual approach of solving optimization problems numerically and based on a model. Furthermore Online Feedback Optimization controllers guarantee constraint satisfaction in steady-state even under model mismatch. In this course I will explain the mathematical theory behind Online feedback Optimization and present the results of a three year collaboration with the French electric transmission grid operator where an Online Feedback Optimization controller was used for optimal curtailment of wind power. Furthermore, the results of an experimental validation of an Online Feedback Optimization controller on a distribution grid are shown. Last but not least the possibility to use an Online Feedback Optimization controller to derive curative actions in case of a contingency is presented.