Meeting of Reinforced Network researchers

Meeting of Reinforced Network researchers

Last Wednesday, November 8, 2023, a meeting of the thematic network took place: Research Network on Autonomous Vehicles and Artificial Intelligence for the Monitoring of Water Resources (REINFORCED): Technology in Action. Currently, the network is made up of 22 nodes, including researchers from eleven national and international universities (University of Seville, Universidad Cádiz, Universidad de Córdoba, Universidad de Málaga, Universidad de Huelva, Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Universidad de Burgos, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University, Complutense University of Madrid and National University of Asunción.), the Higher Council for Scientific Research through the Institute of Marine Sciences of Andalusia and companies in the sector (Libelium, AgroAir, Tumirobotics, Andalu- that is, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems Laboratory SRL).

The network is financed by the Own Research Plan of the University of Seville through the call: Aid for the Constitution and Consolidation of Thematic Networks.

The main objective of the network is to create a multidisciplinary working group that allows progress in the study and improvement of the monitoring of water resources using autonomous vehicles. The network researchers cover three fundamental scientific pillars to achieve the network's objective: i) Robotics and Control of autonomous vehicles, ii) Sensors, data management and artificial intelligence and iii) Water management and monitoring.

On November 8, more than 30 researchers met in the Professor D.Juan Larrañeta Room of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville, to hold the annual meeting of the network. During this meeting, various seminars and debates were held on the monitoring of water resources through autonomous vehicles.

More information about the network on its website: