Keyter-Intarcon-Genaq Chair Award

Keyter-Intarcon-Genaq Chair Award 

The Keyter-Intarcon-Genaq Chair on Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Atmospheric Water Production Technologies has awarded the Master's Thesis of the student of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville, Daniel Sánchez Guerrero, entitled "Thermodynamic analysis of a cascade ecobooster cycle of R290 and R600 for very high temperature water production." 

This project addresses the thermodynamic analysis of an Ecobooster Water – Water cascade heat pump, with R290 and R600a refrigerants for the production of water at very high temperatures. The thermodynamic analysis is carried out in a theoretical way, by studying the thermodynamic cycle of the complete system and through the choice of components. The system under study is an irreversible water-water heat pump, which aims to heat mains water with an inlet at 12ºC to raise its temperature to two steps of 50 and 90ºC respectively. The feasibility of this process has been studied, and whether the desired temperature can be reached.