Job Opportunities for Scientists and Engineers at AEMET


Job Opportunities for Scientists and Engineers at AEMET

Day and Place: Thursday, April 25, Room 305A

Start: 2:00 p.m.

Approximate duration: 30 minutes


The talk will be given by Mr. Juan de Dios del Pino Corredera , Territorial Delegate of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) for Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla, and will be presented by Mr. Manuel Toscano Jiménez , professor at the ETSi, and coordinator of the subject "Meteorology" at the University of Seville.



We are facing a historical stage where the information provided by Meteorology, as well as the evolution of Climate, are of vital importance for a society in permanent evolution that seeks sustainable solutions for the future of the planet. Scientists and engineers will be part of the solution to this complex problem, which is why it is very important for the AEMET agency to disseminate information about the processes of incorporating students/graduates/master's degrees in Science or Engineering into their work teams.


To attend, you must register at the following link: