From the ETSI to Space: launching the first parastronaut within the 191st Session of the Andalusian Aerospace Forum

"From ETSI to Space: launching the first parastronaut"

191st Session of the Andalusian Aerospace Forum Organized: by EUROAVIA-Seville and ETSI
By Mr. José Luis de Augusto Gil, Flight Test Engineer, Aeronautical Engineer, Commercial Pilot and Flight Instructor Flight.
Date: Friday, October 7
Time: 12:30 p.m.
Location: Degree Hall of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of Seville, Camino de los Descubrimientos, ETSI Isla de la Cartuja
In-person session with free access.

Our colleague and professor of Thermodynamics at the School, Mr. Carlos Gómez Camacho , invites us to participate in the 191st Session of the Andalusian Aerospace Forum ; within World Space Week 2022 .

"From ETSI to Space: launching the first parastronaut" we will discover the way to eliminate the barriers that prevent people with physical disabilities from carrying out space missions

Since the beginning of time, Space has constituted for humanity an element of dreaming as well as a technological and inspirational reference of perfection in the last five years. However, the democratization of space requires broadening the focus on the current designs of future manned space missions to achieve a more inclusive and safe Space that continues to serve as an inspiration for society. Join us on this vital journey where a former ETSi student will show us the way to make our dreams come true by breaking any barrier that is presented to us both on Earth and in Space.
