Explorer Training 2023: Connect with your future and create your business

Explorer Training 2023
Registration available until December 13, 2022
Registration here

The Explorer Training will help you connect with your future, experiencing entrepreneurship as a professional option and as a form of economic independence. For 12 weeks, you will work on your idea, transforming it into a solution that contributes to achieving the 2030 SDGs. With a practical approach based on social learning dynamics, Explorer is designed so that participants become an active part of the change through of the implementation of economically sustainable projects in different industries, sectors and types of organizations. You can participate alone or in a team (maximum, 5 people).

Explorer Training 2023
  • Dates: from January 30 to April 30, 2023.
  • Dedication 8-10 hours a week (for 12 weeks).
  • Price: Zero cost.
      Financed by Santander Universities.
  • Languages: Spanish / English.
  • Format: Blended (Spain).


  • Present an idea or project with potential in the pre-incubation phase.
  • Residing in Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, United States, Spain, Mexico, Portugal, United Kingdom or Uruguay.
  • Not have a legally constituted/incorporated company associated with the project presented.
Program Content
  • Welcome. In the week before the start of the program, you will have multimedia material at your disposal so that you know how the different work environments work, how the group or Q&A sessions are developed, what resources and tools you have available...
  • Get ready. During the first section of the program, you will learn to organize yourself as a team and/or community, examine the ethics that must surround any project, and prepare to explore the potential of your idea through a framework in which shared knowledge and Peer learning will play a leading role.
  • Research. In this section, through different research processes, you will identify your potential client and build your value proposition, putting the people you want to help with your solution at the center.
  • Fix & Build. This section will guide you to build a minimal product and to prototype your solution, while at the same time you will work to bring your proposal closer to your audience through the latest marketing and communication techniques.
  • Monetize. You will learn everything about business models and financing possibilities, in addition to learning how to develop the financial projections of your project.
  • Storytelling. You will know how to tell your solution to clients, potential partners, potential investors and, above all, to the people who will decide if you (and your team, if you have one) will be part of the Explorer Trip cohort. If you manage to enter this cohort, you will enjoy a week of training and immersion in a European entrepreneurship hub to continue the Explorer experience intensively.

At the end of the 12-week program and if you carry out all the proposed activities, you will have validated whether your idea can become a viable business. And also:

  • You will develop creative thinking aimed at finding solutions.
  • You will unfold your purpose and your values, explore your limits and understand your potential.
  • You will learn to understand and empathize with the needs of your potential clients.
  • You will identify and learn the latest techniques and tools to communicate with your audience.
  • You will incorporate a battery of transversal skills (the so-called soft skills) that will always accompany you and help you thrive in any professional field.
  • You will connect with other young people who, like you, want to do things to improve their environment.
  • You will practice and improve your English in a real environment.

And, above all, you are going to try. Without fear. Here you are allowed to make mistakes.

Who is it aimed at?
  • To young people between 18 and 31 years old who want to generate a positive impact in the world.
  • To people who want to connect with their future and seek economic independence through entrepreneurship.
  • To any student who wants to understand the benefits and opportunities that entrepreneurship offers, always in a safe space in which mistakes are allowed and in which it is not necessary to know anything about companies and businesses to be able to advance.
  • For technology lovers who want to experiment with their solution and explore the possibilities of turning it into a global project.
  • To students in the field of humanities who want to transform their passion into their way of life, building a sustainable project.
  • To digital nomads who want to explore the world carrying their company “on their backs” and enjoying remote work.
  • To researchers who want to convert their discoveries into sustainable businesses.
  • To entrepreneurs who want to validate if their solutions can have an impact on society.
Methodology and activities

The Explorer program is 100% online in the case of Germany, the United States, Latin America, Portugal and the United Kingdom.

In Spain, most of the experience is online, although there may be in-person activities at each center (Explorer Space). In any case, these are adaptable to a virtual scenario. How do you learn in Explorer?

  • Through digital content aimed at completing challenges and work templates with which to shape your project; They will serve to validate your progress throughout the program.
  • In Q&A sessions with experts who will help you complete the weekly tasks assigned to you.
  • In online sessions with leaders from the world of entrepreneurship who will inspire you with their stories of success and failure.
  • In the online workspace, where you will find all the participants in your edition and where social, collaborative and peer-to-peer learning is the key to everything.
  • Validation of the idea with which you applied to the program: you will be able to verify if it can become a viable business.
  • Explorer Trip: intensive immersion and training experience for one week in Europe for selected projects.
  • Community: access to a global community of young innovators with more than 1,000 participants in each edition, which will grow with the incorporation of more universities in different countries around the world.
  • Certificate of participation for projects that complete the program activities.
  • Exclusive access to 100 places for Babson College's Santander X Prepare to Launch.
Admission processes
  1. Complete the application form with your information and that of your project and do not forget to explain in detail your motivation to participate in the program. If you apply as a team, each member of the team must complete their application and only the project leader must identify themselves as such .
      This is very important to properly manage the selection of your project.
  2. Choose the institution based on your location: if you are in Spain, the closest Explorer Space, Seville (US).
  3. If you pass the selection filter, we will contact you via a notification.
  4. Important: your place and that of your team (if any) will be definitively confirmed when the person leading the project appears as admitted in their Santander X profile.
  5. You would already be an Explorer! From here, you would receive all the instructions to start the program and you would also have access to the online workspace where the rest of the Explorers would be. Remember that if any of the team members are not registered with the project, they will not have access to the training platform nor will they receive their certificate of completion and, of course, they will not be a candidate to travel on the Explorer Trip.

Is Explorer Training for you?

Definitely yes. Entrepreneurship is not for everyone; Explorer Training , yes. Give yourself twelve weeks to try, make mistakes, learn, be inspired... but, above all, to turn your idea into something tangible, understand if it could become a potential source of income and, furthermore, do it accompanied by people who, like you, , is not satisfied with the world we have lived in. In a world where nothing is certain, everything is possible. Give yourself permission to do things and come to Explorer. You explore your future.
