Expert Course in Retail Business Management

Course Duration: from February to July 2022.

Pre-registration date until the end of January 2022.

More information at or by sending an email to


1. Know and understand the retail sector, its evolution over time, the structure that makes it up, its operation, the legal framework that surrounds it and the business models that exist in it.

2. Know and understand the fundamental concepts of marketing such as market research, customer behavior, brand, product and loyalty.

3. Know what the main marketing and sales strategies are, as well as the contexts in which the application of each of them is recommended.

4. Know the main sales channels in the retail sector, the concept of omnichannel and have the ability to put it into practice in a real company.

5. Know how the logistics function is applied to the retail sector, in FOOD and NON-FOOD environments.

6. Understand the functioning of the Supply Chain in the retail sector, in FOOD and NON-FOOD environments, and acquire the necessary skills to manage it

7. Know what the main processes are in retail and how to carry out their management.

8. Know the concept of Economic-Financial Control, how to carry it out and the importance of doing it correctly.

9. Know the new technological trends and their impact on the retail sector.

10. Know the main business management software solutions, how to manage them and to what extent they can help optimize company processes.

11. Understand what innovation consists of and how to manage it in a company in the retail sector.

12. Know the Comerzzia retail management platform, how to implement and manage it.

Understanding to what extent it can help optimize the processes of a company in this sector, whether in FOOD or NON-FOOD environments.

13. Understand the importance of the Human Factor in the company and how its management and direction are carried out, the implementation of attraction, motivation and retention policies.

14. Know the professional profiles of the future for the retail sector.

15. Know the fundamentals of building and managing work teams.

16. Know the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN and how to address them from the perspective of a retail company.


Expert Course in Retail Business Management
Expert Course in Retail Companies