Electronics for Hostile Environments - Mission Alpha3, a case study

Electronics for Hostile Environments - Mission Alpha3, a case study

Date: March 6, 2024, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

ETSI Degree Hall / University of Seville The seminar consists of a series of short 10-minute conferences showing the different stages and construction blocks of the design of a CubeSat.

They will be taught by the different partners of the Alpha Mission consortium. The Alpha Mission is an initiative formed by companies and universities to design, launch and operate a satellite called Alpha3 and a 2U cubesat type equipped with all the necessary systems for communication and maintenance in orbit. This 100% Andalusian artificial satellite will operate from a LEO orbit, providing valuable services to Andalusian society. Agenda:

- Introduction to ALPHA and the AEI consortium Rafael Padura, Ontech
- Design and manufacturing of CubeSats structures Alba Collado, Indaero
- Onboard computers for smallsats Jose Manuel Sánchez, Integrasys
- Testing of electronic equipment for space applications.
Alpha3, a case study Gonzalo Fernández, Alter Technology - Orbit and Attitude Analysis of the ALPHA3 mission Rafael Vazquez, Aerospace Engineering Group.
University of Seville - Space radiation monitoring in LEO orbit Fernando Muñoz, Electronic Engineering Group.
University of Seville - Exploration of magnetic measurement techniques for future gravitational wave space observatories Ignacio Mateos, Electronic and Electromagnetic Design Group.
  Cadiz University