Conference "Control electronics in cement factories. Control room, sensors and systems"

Conference: "Control electronics in cement factories. Control room, sensors and systems"
Taught by:  Mr. Ángel Duarte Castillo and Mr. Juan José Ramírez Fenosa
Moderated by:  Manuel Parejo Guzmán.
Date: Friday, November 25, 2022.
Time: At 10:30 a.m.
Place:  Higher Technical School of Engineering of Seville ETSi - Classroom 206
Within the agreed collaboration between FLACEMA and ETSi
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On Friday, November 25 at 10:30 a.m. in Room 215 of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of Seville, the conference "CONTROL ELECTRONICS IN CEMENT FACTORIES. CONTROL ROOM, SENSORS AND SYSTEMS" will take place.

Mr. Ángel Duarte Castillo, Head of the Electrical Service of the Maintenance Department of the LafargeHolcim Carboneras (Control and Instrumentation Systems in the Cement Industry) and Mr. J​ uan Director of Optimization will participate in this round table of the Niebla factory of Votorantim Cimentos (Application of Control Electronics in cement factories. 4.0 Technologies.)

Mr. Manuel Parejo Guzmán. Managing Director of FLACEMA , will be the moderator.

Attendance at this conference is free and is part of the collaboration agreement between Fundación Laboral Andaluza del Cemento y el Medio Ambiente (FLACEMA) and the School of Engineers of Seville .

Electronic control conference script in cement factories. Control room, sensors and systems

10:30 a.m. Opening

  • Alejandro Carballar Rincón. Representative of the ETSi. Department of Electronic Engineering.
  • Jose Miguel Sánchez Cano . Vice President of FLACEMA and General Secretary of CCOO of Habitat of Andalusia.
  • J oaquín Barrera Vázquez . Member of FLACEMA and sectoral secretary of UGT-FICA Andalusia.
  • Ricardo López Perona . Managing Director of AFCA.

10:50 a.m. Round table

  • Moderator: Manuel Parejo Guzmán . Managing Director of FLACEMA.
  • Ángel Duarte Castillo . Head of the Electrical Service of the Maintenance Department of the LafargeHolcim Carboneras factory. Control and instrumentation systems in the Cement Industry.
  • Juan José Ramírez Fenosa . Optimization Director of the Votorantim Cimentos Fog factory. Application of Control Electronics in cement factories. 4.0 Technologies.

12:00 hours. Question time for attendees

12:15 p.m. End of the day

You can attend online at this link.