eCitySevilla organizes Sustainable Mobility Conferences the first week of October

Programming of the Sustainable Mobility Conferences at the Cartuja Technology Park

From October 4 to 6, the Sustainable Mobility Conferences organized by eCitySevilla Cartuja Technology Park . A pioneering public-private collaboration initiative in Spain led by the Junta de Andalucía (through the Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and University and the Andalusian Energy Agency, attached to the Ministries of the Presidency, Public Administration and Interior and Treasury and European Financing); the Seville City Council, the Cartuja Scientific and Technological Park (PCT Cartuja) and Endesa, to which dozens of entities have already joined, including companies, institutions, universities and research centers.

The project proposes the development on the Isla de la Cartuja of a city model with an open, digital, decarbonized and sustainable ecosystem in 2025, advancing the energy and climate objectives established for 2050 by twenty-five years. With eCitySevilla, we mark the path of sustainable cities of the future.

Programming of the Sustainable Mobility Conferences at the Cartuja Technology Park

  • Webinar "Low emissions zone and sustainable mobility alternatives" .
    With the participation of the Mobility Area of ​​the Seville City Council. Date: Tuesday, October 4
    Time: From 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
    Registration form
  • Exhibition and test of electric vehicles
    Date: Wednesday, October 5
    Time: From 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
    Location: C/ Louis Braille (Plot next to Ed. de Ayesa).
    La Cartuja Technology Park. Reserve your space
  • Webinar "Practical aspects of electric vehicles and sustainable mobility" With the participation of Connected Mobility Hub.
    Date: Thursday, October 7
    Time: From 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
    Registration form


eCitySevilla Conference (Facebook Post).png

The Ecity Sevilla is committed to sustainable mobility based on the basis that the mobility of the future will be electric, connected and shared. The initial objective would propose the renewal of some 2,000 vehicles replaced by electric ones before 2025, with a plan for priority access to clean vehicles. This implies up to 20% of the total share of electric vehicles in 2025 and 37% in 2030. In addition, the installation of one charging point for every 10 electric vehicles is planned, leading to a figure of at least 200 charging points in the island.

The Mobility working group, led by the Seville City Council through the local Energy Agency belonging to the Ecological Transition Delegation, pursues the declaration of a low emissions zone (ZBE) in the PCT Cartuja so that 25 years Before 2050, the objectives that we have assumed as a city will be achieved in this environment.

To do this, we work on:

  • semi-pedestrianization of a significant number of internal transversal streets to convert them into pedestrian and green transit areas
  • reorganization and specialization of the existing parking spaces inside the premises and in its surroundings, through an environmental badge that would allow access through camera identification and which will be managed through a Smart parking solution
  • integration in the planning of the use of the metropolitan park and ride of Charco de la Pava, where the plan is to install an area of ​​solar pergolas to
    supply energy to the island and the network of electric chargers
  • promoting the use of bicycles with the implementation of 1,000 more secure bike racks compatible with electric scooters
  • public transport electrification
  • autonomous vehicle development
  • internal private electric vehicle charging network.