Deep Learning Course with Python (III Edition)

Course: Deep Learning with Python (III Edition)
Pre-registration period: Until April 20, 2023
Enrollment period: From April 1 to 20, 2023
Start of the course: May 23, 2023
End of the course: June 29, 2023
Hours: 64
Price: €370 (taxes included)
More information: ,
d.gutierrez.reina @

Deep Learning course with Python

The continuing training course Deep Learning with Python (III Edition) , 64 hours long and completely online, is offered by the Permanent Training Center of the University of Seville through its Virtual Teaching . Classes will be transmitted synchronously and will be recorded and available to students.

The Deep Learning with Python Course offers a complete tour of programming Deep Learning algorithms using the Python programming language. For this, the course is structured in two modules:

  • Module 1 covers the basics of Python programming , data manipulation and visualization, and the implementation of application models based on Machine Learning. As a prerequisite, you only need basic programming knowledge, not necessarily in Python where you start from scratch.
  • In module 2 students will learn the fundamentals of deep learning and how to apply them to solve real-world problems using Python and a wide variety of neural network architectures such as dense networks, convolutional networks, autoencoders, and recurrent networks.

Both modules include theoretical content and application scripts.

The Deep Learning with Python course is a unique opportunity for engineering students and professionals already in the workforce to immerse themselves in the world of artificial intelligence and deep learning, and acquire valuable skills in this constantly growing field.
Student selection criteria by Pre-registration Order. No university degree is necessary to access the course.