Choose your TFG or TFM with impact

Choose your TFG or TFM with impact

Open call
February 12. - March 31.

Do you have to do your TFG or TFM in the next few months?

We collaborate with U4IMPACT! This means that from today you can apply for projects to do your TFG/M with a company, NGO or start-up and create a positive impact on society.

The best of all is that not only can you contribute to the SDGs with your TFG/TFM, but it can also boost your professional career, positioning you ahead of those who do not yet know us, by collaborating with organizations such as Repsol, Norvento or Danone .
1. Register in the QR code and apply to as many
proposals as you want.
2. We will contact you within a maximum period of 10
days to evaluate your candidacy.
3.Conduct an interview with the organization.
4. Sign the collaboration agreement with the
organization and U4IMPACT.
5.Develop your project with triple support (your U4IMPACT advisor, your university tutor and the company tutor).

Note: It is mandatory for the students who are selected to contact the Subdirectorate of Relations with Companies and External Internships ( ).


Choose your TFG or TFM with impact