Call for the ETSi Scientific Article of the Quarter Award

ETSi Scientific Article of the Quarter Award: October-December 2022
Call : ETSi Directorate.
Date: Until May 9, 2023
Send application to:  Premiosarticulos-etsi@

The ETSi Management invites researchers to participate in the ETSi Scientific Article of the Quarter Award: July-September 2022 , financed by a Grant for Scientific Dissemination Activities from the VII Own Research and Transfer Plan of the University of Seville . Its bases establish the publication period of the articles that are the subject of this award, describe the characteristics that the works to be presented must meet and detail the procedure for submitting applications.

With the efforts of students, teachers and staff, the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville aims to consolidate itself as a reference center in engineering training and research at an international level.

Of special importance are the dissemination of knowledge and the transfer of its results to the community, thus contributing to technological development and improving the quality of life. The creation of this award seeks to make the ETSi's lines of research and its results visible, particularly among the university community made up of students, administration and services staff (PAS) and teaching and research staff (PDI). , and more generally, towards society through the subsequent dissemination of the prizes awarded at the Institutional Events of the ETSi or through the media at its disposal.