Call for the IV Aborgase Award for the Best Works on the Circular Economy

IV Aborgase Award for the Best Works in the Field of Circular Economy
Announces: Chair of Waste Management in the Circular Economy Aborgase
TFG,TFM, Doctoral Theses and other works.
Application submission date: until January 15, 2023
More information:

IV Call for the Aborgarse Prize in Circular Economy

The Aborgase Chair of Waste Management in the Circular Economy of the University of Seville , created for the promotion of teaching, research and dissemination activities, announces the IV Aborgase Award for the Best Works on the Circular Economy .

The purpose of the Award call is to recognize the best works on a topic directly related to the Circular Economy, which have been carried out between October 1, 2021 and September 30, 2022.

Two types of prizes are established, which will have a financial award of 1,000 and 1,500 euros respectively:

  1. Final Degree Projects (Bachelor's and Master's Degree).
  2. Research Works (Theses and other academic or professional works).

The application submission period will be open until January 15, 2023.

Rules of the Aborgase Award Call

1. Object

The purpose of the Chair is to promote teaching, research and dissemination activities that study the reality, problems and perspectives of the development of young university students in the field of sustainability in general and the circular economy in particular, taking care of developing the programs training and research tasks, which contribute to improving training in these subjects among students and graduates of the different Universities. The purpose of the Award call is to recognize the Best Projects, both End of Year (Bachelor's or Master's) and Research (Doctoral Theses or others), dealing with a topic directly related to the circular economy.

2. Endowment

Two types of prizes are established, which will have a financial award of 1,000 and 1,500 euros each respectively. This amount will be paid through a single payment, once the requirements established for its granting in this call have been met, and will be delivered in a public event to be held during the 2022/2023 academic year at the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville. (ETSi) . In the payment, the corresponding withholding of the Personal Income Tax will be made.

3. Beneficiaries

Persons whose work (End of Degree, End of Master's Degree, Doctoral Thesis, or Research) may compete for the award of this prize, and that comply with the object described in point 1. of these bases, that have been carried out between October 2021 and September 30, 2022, in one of the two modalities:

  1.  Final Degree Projects (Bachelor's and Master's Degree).
  2.  Research Works (Theses and other academic or professional works).
4. Applications and documentation to provide

To participate in the Call, the contestant must present the following documentation:

  1. Application in accordance with the model that appears in Annex I of this call.
  2. A complete copy of the Work in electronic format.
  3. Summary of the Work in electronic format, with a maximum length of five pages, which must include the purpose of the Work, the results obtained and the interest of the topic discussed.
  4. Certificate accrediting (if applicable) the qualification obtained for the Work.
  5. Curriculum Vitae of the applicant
5. Submission deadline

The application submission period will be open until January 15, 2023, at midnight . All documentation will be delivered electronically to the email address , with a copy to .
Those Works that arrive after said date will be excluded.

More information in the email:

6. Nature of the prize and obligations of the winner

The award of the prize will be subject to the following provisions:

  1. The submission of a Work to the Award implies acceptance by its author of the Rules of the call.
  2. Failure by the beneficiary to comply with the obligations indicated in this call may lead to the withdrawal of the prize with the corresponding refund of the amounts received.
7. Evaluation of applications
  1. The review of applications will be carried out competitively and, to this end, only the documentation provided will be considered.
  2. Applications will be evaluated by a Commission made up of a minimum of two representatives of Aborgase, and two representatives of the University of Seville, one of whom will be the Director of the Chair, who will act as Secretary.
  3. The Evaluation Commission will issue a resolution for the Award, which must include the following documentation: a) Minutes of the Evaluation Commission meeting. b) List of awarded candidates.
  4. The Evaluation Commission may declare the Award void and will resolve any incidents that arise.
8. Ruling of the Evaluation Commission

The ruling of the Evaluation Commission will be final and will be made public on the Chair's website, expressly notifying the winners.

9. Enablement

The Director of the Chair, in addition to the powers conferred upon him, will be empowered to resolve any incidents that may arise, as well as any actions necessary in the execution of this call.