#SENECESITASANGRE: Blood donation campaign

Blood donation campaign
Collaborate: University of Seville
Location: Piscina Este.
Calle Camino de los Descubrimientos S/N. 41092 Seville Date: April 17, 18, 19 and 20, 2023
Hours: From 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Blood of all groups is needed.


The Blood Transfusion Center of Seville , dependent on the Andalusian Health Service (SAS), called last Monday for donations after Holy Week, especially from groups 0- and A-, since "it is urgent to replenish the reserves as soon as possible to distribute them among all hospitals in the province.”

For this reason, the University of Seville joins the blood donation campaign organized by the Transfusion, Tissue and Cells Center of Seville. This campaign aims to encourage blood donation in the university community, in addition to attracting new donors among young students.

From April 17 to 20, ETSi students will be able to participate in the Blood Donation Campaign 

On Monday the 17th, Tuesday the 18th, Wednesday the 19th and Thursday the 20th of April there will be a blood donation campaign in which the University of Seville collaborates. Donations will take place at the East Pool from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.  

Blood is a vital medicine that cannot be manufactured 

Requirements to donate blood:

  • Weigh more than 50 kilos
  • Be of age
  • Enjoy good greetings
  • Do not go on an empty stomach

More requirements to take into account when donating blood:

  • A minimum period of 2 months must be respected between donation and donation. Men can donate blood 4 times a year; women 3 times a year.
  • Before you donate, a doctor will examine you to determine if you can donate. In this way, donating does not involve risk to your health. This process includes a small blood test to rule out possible anemia.
  • A blood donation lasts 15 minutes; 15 minutes that can save a life.
  • All materials used in the blood donation process are sterile and single-use.
  • After donation, the blood is replenished with the ingestion of food, especially liquids, and light rest. These foods will be available to the donor at the donation location.
  • On the day of the donation you cannot play sports, neither 12 hours before, nor until 24 hours after.

The website of the Blood Transfusion Center is: crtssevilla.org . In it you will be able to access the collection calendar, you will have useful information for blood, tissue and bone marrow donors, links, news, etc... You can also send suggestions, requests, etc...