More than 70 high school students compete in the local phase of the VI Roads, Canals and Ports Olympiad

More than 70 high school students compete in the local phase of the VI Roads, Canals and Ports Olympiad 

The group of 4 students and a student from the IES Punta del Verde in Seville has been the winner of this local phase


The Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville will celebrate next Friday, March 15, starting at 9:00 a.m., the local phase of the VI National Olympiad in Civil Engineering, Canals and Ports, an activity aimed at students of Compulsory Secondary Education that seeks to promote the profession and the university environment among students who are close to choosing the degree they are going to take in their next academic stage.  

More than 70 young people from secondary education centers in the provinces of Seville, Córdoba and Huelva will participate in one of the 12 teams that will face each other in the tests that make up the competition. These six tests that make up the Olympiad are related to 8 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined in the 2030 Agenda by the UN, approved in 2015.   

In this way, they will have to overcome the following challenges:  

Test 1 “Arch of voussoirs”: Construction engineering (SDG 8, 9, 11 and 17). 

Test 2 “Da Vinci Bridge”: Structural engineering (SDG 8, 9,11 and 17). 

Test 3 “Dam-Dyke”: Hydraulic engineering (SDG 6, 8, 11 and 17). 

Test 4 “Road engineering and its works”: Graphic engineering (SDG 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 17). 

Test 5 “ LogisTIC ”: Freight transport, efficient logistics (SDG 8, 11,13 and 17). 

Test 6 “Playing at being an engineer”: Computer-assisted project (SDG 4, 8 and 17). 


In addition to promoting the profession of Civil, Canal and Port Engineering among young people, STEM degrees and facilitating a first approach between high school students and the university academic world, the linking of these tests with the SDGs established in the Agenda 2030 by the UN, involves students to work for a common good and integrate these objectives into their present as aspiring to be the new professionals of the society of the future. 


Organized by the Official College of Civil Engineers, Canals and Ports (COICCP), the VI Olympiad of Civil Engineers, Canals and Ports, has the collaboration of 14 Higher Technical Schools or Polytechnic Schools of Engineering such as those of: Seville, Granada , A Coruña, Ciudad Real, Valencia, Cartagena, Alicante, Burgos, Oviedo, Barcelona, ​​Cádiz, Santander, Madrid and Cáceres.    In this local stage, the teams will be selected that will compete in the VI National Olympiad that will be held at the Higher Polytechnic School of the University of Burgos, on May 24, 2024.