50th Anniversary of the III Promotion of the ETS of Industrial Engineers of Seville


50th Anniversary of the III Promotion of the ETS of Industrial Engineers of Seville

The Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville has hosted today, November 23, 2023, the institutional events to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the III Promotion of the ETS of Industrial Engineers of Seville. A large group of alumni, companions and friends will enjoy an extensive program of activities organized for the occasion.  

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Morning session.

Events in the building of the Higher Technical School of Engineering (Isla de la Cartuja).

  • 10:00 Reception of participants. Credentials. Main door murals (Ground Floor).


  • 10:30 Religious ceremony in memory of deceased colleagues and thanksgiving. Fiftieth Anniversary. Degree Hall (Floor 2).


  • 11:30 Institutional recognition ceremony. Presentation: Commemorative book and souvenir. Degree Hall (Floor 2).


  • 12:00 Conference and colloquium on the evolution of Engineering studies. Degree Hall (Floor 2) Prof. D. Javier Aracil Santonja.


  • 12:45 Commented presentation of photographic montages: former headquarters of Reina Mercedes. Degree Hall (Floor 2)

             Mr. Juan Rojas Romero and Prof. Jaime Domínguez Abascal.

  • 13:00 Conference and colloquium: transfer from ETSII to the Plaza de América building (Isla de la Cartuja). Degree Hall (Floor 2).

             Prof. D. Jaime Domínguez Abascal.

  • 14:00 Lunch-cocktail tribute from the School Management to the III Promotion II Central Patio (Ground Floor).


  • 15:30 End of events at the School. Collection of book and commemorative souvenir. Accreditation table: Main door murals (Ground Floor).

Afternoon session.

  • Cultural event at the Cristina Heeren Foundation Theater. C/ Purity, 76

           19:30 Flamenco art show. (Touch, sing and dance).

  • Gala Dinner in the Royal Hall of the Royal Circle of Farmers and Owners of Seville. C/ Pedro Caravaca, 1.

           21:00 Drink reception and gala dinner. Thanks.

Friday, November 24.

Morning session.

  • 9:30 Guided visit to the Museum of Fine Arts of Seville. Two groups (Times 9:30 and 11:15).


  • 12:45 Walk along the banks of the Guadalquivir and Paseo de Colón to the Torre del Oro pier.


  • 1:30 p.m. River ride on the “Luna del Guadalquivir” tourist boat, with cocktail on board.


  • 15:30 Torre del Oro Pier. End of the Fiftieth Anniversary events.


  • Recommended free activities.