199th Session and closing of the Andalusian Aerospace Forum

199th Session and closing of the Andalusian Aerospace Forum


Next Wednesday, June 28, at 7:00 p.m., the 199th Session and closing of the Andalusian Aerospace Forum

titled "Notes on the aerospace sector" by Lieutenant General of the Air and Space Army Mr. Enrique Biosca

 and the President of Andalucía Aerospace, Mr. Antonio Gómez-Guillamón.

Closing by Carlos Gómez, Forum Coordinator.

Free session until capacity is reached. 

Date: Wednesday, June 28.

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Place: Colón Hall of the Seville City Council Plaza Nueva. 


The Andalusian Aerospace Forum began its activities in February 2002, organized by the Higher Technical School of Engineering of Seville, with the collaboration of institutions and people related to aeronautics and space. The Forum was developed around periodic meetings of professionals, who gave their free and informed opinion on an appropriate topic, developed by a speaker or speakers whose knowledge, experience and communication skills were recognized. In all of its 199 sessions, 260 interventions have taken place, by a total of 202 speakers. The Forum's environment has been the professional world of aeronautics and space, with the presence and participation of the University, the Spanish or Andalusian Administration, economic and social agents, as well as professional associations.

The Forum was configured as complementary to other opinion, information and dissemination activities, covering needs or opportunities for joint communication. Its main characteristics have been presence, professionalism, continuity, independence and freedom of expression. The Forum has been organized by its coordinator selecting the speakers and has been aimed at an essentially professional audience, although the sessions have been open. It used to be held every month, from October to July, in the afternoon, in the Hall of Degrees of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of Seville; Occasionally there have been changes of date or location. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some sessions have been held online.