14th Call for the Royal Academy of Engineering Awards for Young Researchers

14th Call for the Royal Academy of Engineering Awards for Young Researchers

The Royal Academy of Engineering, with the co-sponsorship of the “Pro Rebus Academiae” Foundation , announces the “Agustín de Betancourt y Molina” and “Juan López de Peñalver” Awards for the year 2024.

The “Agustín de Betancourt y Molina” and “Juan López de Peñalver” awards are intended for researchers and professionals in the field of engineering who, on January 1, 2024, are under 40 years of age and who maintain links with Spain, in where they have developed a significant part of their work.

The “Agustín de Betancourt y Molina” award is intended in particular for individuals who have carried out notable research work in the field of Engineering, leading to laying the foundations and/or promoting new developments and innovations in any of their professional fields.

The “Juan López de Peñalver” award is intended in particular for individuals, or work teams, made up of members who are mostly under 40 years of age, who have carried out notable development and innovation work, outstanding professional contributions or singular work. in any of the professional fields of Spanish engineering. In the case of a team, its director will be made explicit, who will, in any case, be under 40 years of age and who will sign the candidacy.

The “Agustín de Betancourt y Molina” and “Juan López de Peñalver” Awards will be awarded to researchers or professionals who have made original and relevant contributions in any of the fields of engineering, with both awards specifically valuing aspects related to the transfer of technology.

Nominations for the Awards will be evaluated by the Awards Commission of the Royal Academy of Engineering, appointed for this purpose. Said Commission will send to the Governing Board of the Royal Academy of Engineering a reasoned recommendation for the granting of each Award, which the Governing Board will present to the Plenary Session of the Royal Academy of Engineering for ratification.

The jury may award up to eight medals to those contestants who, having not won the prize, deserve special recognition for their contributions to engineering. The names of illustrious engineers in the corresponding specialties will be highlighted in the aforementioned medals.

The deadline for receiving applications and proposals will close on June 14, 2024.

Rules of the call and more information here.