Anibal Ollero Baturone receives the National Research Award from Their Majesties the King and Queen

The National Research Awards, granted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, are the most important recognition in Spain in the field of scientific research.

Their Majesties the King and Queen, accompanied by the Minister of Science and Innovation, Diana Morant, and the Mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau, presented the 2021 National Research Awards at the Auditori Fòrum of the Barcelona International Convention Center on May 5, the most important recognition in Spain in the field of scientific research. 


During his speech, King Felipe VI recognized the scientific work of the winners and highlighted that, with their talent, effort and passion, they make a valuable contribution to our country to generate progress and social well-being. 


For her part, the minister congratulated the winners and noted that their work contributes to putting Spain at the forefront of global scientific production. She has also stated that science is a hope for the future and a common project that promotes the well-being of all.  


Likewise, Morant announced during his speech the creation of the National Youth Research Awards, a new competition that will distinguish brilliant young people with outstanding achievements in science.


The creation of the Youth Research Awards is part of the commitment of the Ministry of Science and Innovation to create, through initiatives and public policies, favorable conditions for young people to find a desirable and safe profession in scientific careers. 


These awards also aim to recognize the work of women in the field of science. For this reason, the new awards, which will have the same categories as the National Research Awards, will be named after illustrious scientists.  


National Research Awards 2021 


The National Research Awards presented this Thursday recognize those researchers in Spain who are carrying out outstanding professional work of international relevance in their respective research areas and scientific fields.


Likewise, the awards, granted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, distinguish research trajectories that contribute exceptionally to the advancement of science, to the best knowledge of human beings and their coexistence, to the transfer of technology and to the progress of humanity. The total amount of the prizes amounts to 300,000 euros, with a financial award of 30,000 euros for each of the categories.  


Anibal Ollero Baturone


Among those distinguished, in the area of ​​Engineering, has been awarded the National Prize Leonardo Torres Quevedo, the Professor of Systems and Automation of the ETS of Engineering of the University of Seville and director of the Robotics research team of AICIA, Anibal Ollero Baturone. 


Professor Ollero has been recognized with the most important national distinction in research for the excellence of his research activity in different fields of the Engineering area, highlighting the development of autonomous systems in various sectors. The jury has highlighted the quality of his professional career and his scientific results, the work of transferring the generated knowledge that he has carried out both in the industrial and educational aspects.
