I Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability

The University of Seville leads the debate and reflection on Artificial Intelligence by organizing the ' I Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability ' ('Global Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability') in collaboration with Google Spain, on September 25 and 26.

Top-level international speakers such as Yosi Matias, Pilar Manchón, Anibal Ollero, Francisco Herrera, Michael Beetz and Pascale Fung among others will participate in this Forum, who will convey their ideas and proposals in this field; as well as renowned researchers who will present their latest advances in their different lines of research.

The objective of this forum is to give a voice to the most prominent people on the international and national scene on those issues that interest and concern both experts in this field, as well as companies and public institutions interested in artificial intelligence. For this reason, this ' First Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability ' was born with the aim of bringing together all those universities, companies and institutions interested in this topic.

For two days, debate panels will be held that will be grouped into four major thematic areas: human well-being, economic and technological development, attention to the environment and social development . Each of these different panels will be made up of national and international researchers and professional experts, as well as representatives of public institutions of maximum relevance in this area of ​​work.

With this initiative, the University of Seville reinforces its position in technology and current challenges, such as artificial intelligence, on which various research groups are already working.

If you wish to attend you must register through the following link:


In the following link you can consult the Forum program:

Full program