Desalination with pumping and demand management: an opportunity for the future of Andalusia

Conference "Desalination with pumping and demand management: an opportunity for the future of Andalusia"

Date: June 12, 2023.

Place: Degree Hall of the Higher Technical School of Engineering, ETSi

Time: 12:30 p.m.

Global warming is progressively altering the climate. In particular, in our region, Andalusia, a reduction in rainfall and more recurrent and prolonged droughts are predicted. This will endanger the economic and social system of Andalusia.

Renewable energies are very cheap, although they are not manageable like fossil energies were, which we are going to do without. The latter will mean that renewable supply and electricity demand do not coincide over time, therefore requiring more expensive, manageable energies that adjust supply and demand.

These will come, fundamentally, from energy storage, such as batteries and pumps, which will be charged with cheap electricity when it is surplus. This is already starting to happen in the MIBEL (Iberian Electricity Market) and will happen more frequently and intensely in the coming years.

On the other hand, you can get cheap desalinated water with the combination of: the scale effect; a high use of desalination plants; the low costs of photovoltaics; and an orography suitable for pumping near the coast and transfers between basins.

This is what we could call “Pumped Desalination”. Andalusia has natural conditions, as well as great experience and high technological capacity in desalination. This should allow it to have an annual quota of safe and affordable water, which will make it more resilient to droughts and more prosperous in periods when water reserves are adequate for the population.

The conference will be given by Antonio de Lara Cruz and is organized by the Royal Sevillian Academy of Sciences and the Endesa Chair of the University of Seville .