I Conference on Energy and Environmental Sustainability

, April 10, the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville hosted the First Conference on Energy and Environmental Sustainability , organized by ENGREEN, the Unit of Excellence of the University of Seville, Engineering Laboratory for Energy and Environmental Sustainability . The event was attended by Julián Martínez, vice-rector for Research at the US; Felipe Rosa, vice-rector of Transfer at the US; Pedro García, deputy director-head of studies at the ETSI; and Carlos Bordons, director of the ENGREEN Excellence Unit.

The Conference has had the participation of important expert voices from the sector, who have offered a complete vision of the current situation and the main factors involved in the objective of energy and environmental sustainability. In this sense, Alfonso M. Gañán, professor at the University of Seville, has intervened with a conference titled 'Climate, Economic Development and Energy'; Fernando Isorna, from INTA, who spoke about 'Green Hydrogen as an Energy Vector'; Santiago Olmo, from Endesa, under the title 'Electric Vehicle Recharging Infrastructure'; Antonio Gómez, professor at the University of Seville, with a presentation on 'Energy Storage: the Revolution in the Making', and Elisa Oyonarte, from the Port of Seville, to discuss the 'Decarbonization of the Port of Seville'.

ENGREEN is a Unit of Excellence of the University of Seville, whose objective is to promote and carry out research, transfer, dissemination and training activities on engineering for energy and environmental sustainability. The Unit's research axes focus on the fields of Mobility, Energy and Industry, with the Climate area as a transversal element.

With this, the aim is that every new scientific and technological advance in these fields is associated with a decrease in the anthropogenic impact on the planet's climate change or contributes to reversing it, always seeking its economic viability and the transfer of knowledge to society.

ENGREEN is attached to the Higher Technical School of Engineering and encompasses a critical mass of researchers who develop their activity in various areas of engineering related to energy and the environment, joining forces to achieve greater synergy and multidisciplinary nature.

The ENGREEN Excellence Unit is firmly committed to the transfer of R&D results to society and collaboration with other national and international research centers and universities.


9:30 – 10:00 Opening and Presentation.

  • Vice-rector for Research of the University of Seville, Julián Martínez, 
  • Vice Chancellor of Knowledge Transfer of the University of Seville, Felipe Rosa.
  •  Director of the Higher Technical School of Engineering, Andrés Sáez. 
  • Director of the ENGREEN Excellence Unit, Carlos Bordons 

10:00 - 10:30 Climate, Economic Development and Energy. Alfonso M. Gañan. Univ. Seville.  

10:30 - 11:00 Green Hydrogen as an Energy Vector. Fernando Isorna. INTA.  

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee. 

11:30 - 12:00 Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructures. Santiago Olmo. ENDESA.  

12:00 - 12:30 Energy Storage: The Revolution in the Making. Antonio Gomez. Univ. Seville.  

12:30 - 13:00 Decarbonization of the Port of Seville. Elisa Oyonarte. Port of Seville.  

13:00 - 13:30 Debate and Questions
